John N. Hooker

University of the Incarnate Word: jnhooker [at]


John is an interdisciplinary geologist whose main interest is the physical effects of chemical reactions in Earth’s crust. He teaches environmental science and geology at University of the Incarnate Word.

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Selected publications

  • Hooker, J.N., Cartwright, J., Stephenson, B., and Day, C.C., in press. Continuous versus punctuated vein widening in the Marcellus Formation, USA: the fine line between pressure fringes and hydraulic fractures. Geological Magazine, doi: 10.1017/S0016756822000371
  •  Hooker, J.N. and Fisher, D.M., 2021. How cementation and fluid flow influence slip behavior at the subduction interface. Geology, doi: 10.1130/G48741.1
  • Hoyt, E.M. and Hooker, J.N., 2021. Silica diagenesis and natural fracturing in limestone: An example from the Ordovician of Central Pennsylvania. Marine & Petroleum Geology 132, 105240. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105240
    Abu-Mahfouz, I.S., et al., 2020. Silica diagenesis promotes early hydrocarbon migration. Geology 48, 483–487.
  • Hooker, J.N., et al., 2020. Shale anisotropy and natural hydraulic fracture propagation: An example from the Jurassic (Toarcian) Posidonienschiefer, Germany. JGR—Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2019JB018442
  • Fisher, D.M., Hooker, J.N., and Oakley, D.O.S., 2019. Numerical models for slip on the subduction interface motivated by field observations. Lithosphere, doi:10.1130/L1008.1
  • Laubach, S.E., et al., 2019. The role of chemistry in fracture pattern development and opportunities to advance interpretations of geological materials. Rev Geophys 57, 1065-1111.
  • Hooker, J.N., et al., 2018. Fractures in mudrocks: advances in constraining timing and understanding mechanisms. J Struct Geo 125, 166-173. 
  • Hooker, J.N. and Cartwright, J., 2018. Dolomite overgrowths suggest a primary origin of cone-in-cone. Geol Mag 155, 568-585. 
  • Hooker, J.N., et al., 2018. Microfracture spacing distributions and the evolution of fracture patterns in sandstones. J Struct Geo 108, 66-79. 
  • Meng, Q., et al., 2017. Early overpressuring in organic-rich shales during burial: evidence from fibrous calcite veins in the Lower Jurassic Shales-with-Beef member in the Wessex Basin, UK. J Geol Soc, doi:10.1144/jgs2016-145
  • Hooker, J.N. and Katz, R.F., 2015. Vein spacing in extending, layered rock: the effect of synkinematic cementation. Am J Sci 315, 557-588. 
  • Hooker, J.N., et al., 2014. A universal power-law scaling exponent for fracture apertures in sandstones. GSA Bull 126, 1340-1362. 
  • Hooker, J.N., et al., 2012. Effects of diagenesis (cement precipitation) during fracture opening on fracture aperture-size scaling in carbonate rocks. Geol Soc London Spec Pub 370, 187-206.
  • Eichhubl, P., et al., 2010. Pure and shear-enhanced compaction bands in Aztec Sandstone. J Struct Geo 32, 1873-1886.

Courses taught

ENSC 1410 Intro to Environmental Science

ENSC 4310 Research in Soil Conservation

ENSC 4460 Research in Water Quality

GEOL 1401 Physical Geology

GEOL 1420 Oceanography

METR 3340 Hydrology

Earth 100 Environment Earth

Earth 103 Earth in the Future

Geosc 202 Environmental Geochemistry

Geosc 452 Hydrogeology

Geosc 454 Geology of Oil and Gas